It is not my intention to start a THREAD on this topic, however, is such is the case, so be it.
What I do request, is actual true information. IF you have such, I ask respectfully, that you share it with me via private email
[email protected]
To baseball umpires who work amateur league baseball for remuneration. (HS and / or summer league, legion, connie mack, etc)
Do you or your association pay into your STATE'S Workers compensation system or Industrial Insurance (for job loss or medical coverage for injury).
related: Have you ever? Or is this a proposed future for you?
Do you or your association pay into your STATE'S UNEMPLOYMENT SECURITY group (unemployment insurance).
related: Have you ever? OR is this a proposed future for you?
Other than those here who get PAID at game sites with Cash.. does any association provide anything to umpires at year end other than NOTHING or a plain 1099? In other words, is ANY association or group withholding income or social security taxes?
related: Is there any umpire here working AMATUER ball that is or is considered to be an EMPLOYEE of any group or organization. If yes, what is it that determines that definitively?
Questions answered in advance:
I am a Board Member of a LARGE (200) member baseball umpire association and definitely have good reasons for this inquiry.
I look forward to private conversations with many of my officating bretheran. Thanks in advance.