The "Right" Question ...
Before retiring from teaching, I used a similar "joke" many times to impress upon my students the importance of asking the "right" question. I was a science teacher, and the first step of the Scientific Method is to identify the problem, but more importantly, to identify a specific problem and not be too general.
Student: "Mr. Billy Mac, do you know what time it is?"
Mr. Billy Mac: "Yes"
Student: "Could you please tell me the correct time?"
Mr. Billy Mac: "12:15 p.m."
Another "teacher" joke:
Student: "Mr. Billy Mac, could I please borrow a tissue?"
Mr. Billy Mac: "No. You can keep it. I don't want if back after you use it".
Last edited by BillyMac; Sun Mar 16, 2008 at 09:21am.