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Old Fri Mar 14, 2008, 06:16pm
johnnyg08 johnnyg08 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Minnesota
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In FED games, the balk stops everything after the balk. So your mechanic would be "Time, That's a balk"

In OBR, to your first scenario, if all runners advance one base, including the Batter/Runner, the balk is not your sitch, the batter then interferes...your mechanic would be "That's a balk (at the time of the balk)," and now you've noticed that the batter/runner is not going to advance one base on the play, you call "Time" and enforce the balk.

My answer is a little different from the one above, I didn't consult any manuals here I'll wait and see what others post. In the answer to the last question in the scenario..."not that I can think of either" unless the batter gets a hit, and all runners advance one base, you'll always enforce the balk.
It's like Deja Vu all over again
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