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Old Tue Jun 25, 2002, 10:42pm
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Originally posted by t2nyval

Regarding the responses to oridrax earlier quesion "help": So a runner leaving early and not "tagging up" is not a force out at the base he left early from???? Ok, R2, R3, fly ball, R2 leaves early, he "lolligags" between the bases until R3 scores all the while defense has the ball on 2B. Whats the deal with this scenario. Am I to interpret the response to oridrax's question that the runner who left early isnt out unless he's tagged? Thats a new one on me. Please clarify.

You need to READ the defintion of a Force Play. When we have r2/r3, that is not a Force situation. This is a TIME situation.

If a runner leaves early, and the ball is caught, the defense can either tag the base (which is the normal cource of action) or the runner. However, in either situation it's the Timing of the events that matters.

If F8 catches ball and doubles r2 off of second BEFORE r3 scores, the run does not count. If R3 scores BEFORE F8 throws to F4 to double up R2, the runs counts.

The applicable rules are OBR Rule 2 - Definition of Force and 7.08(d)

OBR 7.08 Any runner is out when_
(d) He fails to retouch his base after a fair or foul ball is legally caught before he, or his base, is tagged by a fielder.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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