Thread: Fed. HBP
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Old Sun Mar 09, 2008, 11:57am
DG DG is offline
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Actually, the Rulebook POE says "every attempt to avoid" The rule says the batter shall not "permit a pitched ball to touch him." I have no problem leaving a batter in the box if he doesn't move AT ALL. FED is not the NCAA where the box belongs to the batter, regardless. FED wants to reduce injuries and rewarding this tactic does not do that.

I recall maybe 2 times last year when I kept the batter in the box and I did not try to determine if he was frozen or just trying to get hit. I saw what everybody in the park saw, ie no attempt AT ALL to avoid the pitch. I calculate 2 times last year to be less than 0.1 % of the batters I saw.

One of the coaches tried to argue he was frozen and I told him he had time to take a break on that pitch. The other coach just argued and then said he had to because the player's dad was in the stands and he would expect him to.
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