Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by BktBallRef
But as we mature, we should be able to diffuse situations by talking to players and coaches.
... But even in giving calm, reasoned explanations, my opinion is that you keep the exchange as brief as possible. Trying to explain too much is no good, b/c the coach doesn't really care that much. Trying to argue a point is no good, b/c it just intensifies a situation. Say what you absolutely need to in order to answer the question and then get outta Dodge. Again, just my opinion.
Absolutely agree. The best conversations are sometimes between the coach & T (or C), when you really don't have
much time for more than a quick nod, grunt, and "I'll look
for it" or "You're wrong coach" before you run down the
court. Coaches do not want to hear your long-winded
explanations, and if you give them one they will almost
always twist it to their advantage. But they do want to be
listened to.