Originally Posted by JRutledge
I do not even like to tell them that. I have found when the table uses the horn; they tend to use the horn too early when the sub is not even at the table (especially the home team). I would rather blow the whistle or bring the subs in on my own. Players need to know that the officials bring in the subs, not the horn or the table.
For the areas I have worked, it is all about communication. I will communicate what I want/need from the table, I will communicate when subs come in to the coach and I will communicate when the subs can come in to the captains.
Originally Posted by Richmsn
I don't beckon in this situation until there's a horn and by then there's a whistle in my mouth and I'm whistling in the subs.
We're consistent. We whistle in EVERY sub, except those that report during timeouts and intermissions.
A horn and a whistle? Make perfect (non) sense.
Can someone on the board with 15+ years of experience tell me if this whistling in subs thing was around years ago? If not, can anyone tell me how it is better than an appropriate horn and me yelling, "Subs?" So far, it doesn't make sense to me. The posts concerning consistency are all well and good, but I don't believe every crew does this all the time which essentially makes it no diffferent than a table doing it correctly all the time - I don't know, maybe I live in the only place where this isn't done perfectly. When I blow my whistle I want it to mean something and I've seen officials blow their whistle for so many things, the value of the whistle goes down. I've seen a loose ball that was going to be inbounded bouncing away and an official blew his whistle to tell the player to get it for him instead of using his mouth. To me, that is ridiculous, but that is what happens when we start using the whistle too much. For those in favor of using the whistle, what do you do if subs come in before you "blow them in."
Do you blow a whistle and shoo them back to the table? Do you tell them to go back to the table? Consistency would be blowing your whistle and motioning them back; we are substituting a whistle for time-tested use of words aren't we?
This isn't absolute for me because if I don't have a horn, I will blow the whistle.