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Old Wed Feb 27, 2008, 08:21am
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
This relates only indirectly to the original post, but it was one of the funnier things I saw this season. I was watching the girls JV game before my game. There is a loose ball on the floor in the lane. A girl from the offensive team drops to her knees and secures the ball. Seeing that she has no one to pass to, she throws the ball off a defender's leg, intending to bounce it out of bounds.

Smart play!

Except that she's not very good at geometry and the ball bounces directly back to her. Convinced that her strategy is a sound one, she is undaunted as she again throws the ball off the same defender's leg. Who would've guessed that the ball would again bounce directly back to her, still kneeling in the lane?!?!

The official reluctantly called 3 seconds.
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