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Old Tue Feb 26, 2008, 10:30pm
MajorCord MajorCord is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 143
I was told this story, but I'm not 100% sure it is true. AAU game, Team A is thumping Team B by a large margin, 40 or more points. Late in the game, Team A is still pressing full court, lots of pressure, etc. Team B is attempting to inbound the ball, spot throw-in. Team A player (son of coach) is right in the inbounder's face putting pressure. Team B coach calls timeout. In timeout, he instructs his player to throw the ball as hard as he can at Team A player's face if he is still putting pressure on the throw-in. Team B player obliges, twice, supposedly bloodying the kid's nose. Team A coach looks at Team B coach after the second time and says, "I get it" and calls off the press. If you were officiating the game what would have been your response?
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