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Old Tue Feb 26, 2008, 08:45pm
Steven Tyler Steven Tyler is offline
In Time Out
Join Date: Apr 2007
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Originally Posted by njdevs00cup
Please help me understand this situation. When the obstructing player made the swipe tag, was the runner out or safe (without the obstruction)?
Play: Runner was coming home. He had to do so with a head first slide. Catcher was in runner's base path. Pitcher was inside of the base line. Runner was forced to go inside to avoid collision with catcher. Pitcher caught the throw that came in on one bounce and made a smooth little nip of a swipe tag. Runner was denied full base path to avoid tag when forced to avoid catcher not being where he was supposed to be. Both fielders were up the line from home plate.

In this situation, obstructing player did not make the swipe tag. He obstructed runner's base path
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