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Old Mon Feb 25, 2008, 12:19am
teachingball teachingball is offline
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Posts: 7
The last thing I want to do is get into a debate about the rules, for me that's a losing cause. Carve me up guys!

This is what I found I thought was interesting:

Disallowed Baskets
Examples of disallowed baskets are as follows:
a) When the whistle blows before the shooter releases the ball
b) When a player scores on an inbound pass
c) When the shooting team steps into the lane prior to the release of a free
throw (grades 6-9)
d) Offensive fouls
e) When the ball touches anything out of play
f) When there are too many players on the court

I'm just saying, what does this rule protect, what has happened in the past to make this an uncorrectable call? Why can't this be a judgement situation. Most fouls are judgement calls. We trust the Ref's to be able to make those calls, to me this should be a judgement call after conferring with their partner and considering the situation, then make their call, instead of referring to 10-1-6.

I can only go from the online rule book:

How does this case book situation have anything to do with the above situation. This is an end of the game scenario. End of the game is a lot different. Last play of the game. Not all situations are the same. But there is what makes sense.

PENTALTY: (Art. 6) Penalized if discovered while being violated.

Is there more to this somewhere. How can I derive " Results of any play before recognizing 6 players on the court, i.e. (fouls or scores) can not be correctable." out of that.


1) Funny, 2 officials, (1 on baseline, 1 at division line handing the ball), all players in clear view of both officials. After the score they "recognize" 6 on the floor.

After the timeout, if I as a referee did not count the players before start of play, and the opposing coach is yelling they have six players on the court, (Same coach who if he whispers "I can't believe he made that call" you can hear him), and right after they score I "realize" they did have 6 on the court, I have an out with 10-1-6. Oops, my bad.

2) Sorry, was just trying to be funny. I have alot of respect for good officials who take pride in what their doing.

3)"The disadvantaged team is allowed to select their best shooter, even if on the bench, and have him, or her, take two fifteen foot shots with no defenders anywhere near."

Sounds easy. Now all Team B needs to do is sink 2 FT with all eyes on him, just to get the ball back, otherwise they get the worst of it. A situation Team B did not create. They should actually penalize the offending team. Score disallowed because Team A had too many players on the court. Penalty: 2 FT and ball back at the division line. As a coach I know it is my fault if I have more than 5 players on the court. How can I argue that I didn't have an unfair advantage. Less arguements. Fair.

Last edited by teachingball; Mon Feb 25, 2008 at 12:30am.
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