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Old Fri Feb 22, 2008, 12:11pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by CoachP
Thanks for the lesson.....but, my degree is in Portrait/Commercial Photography. And I'll change my comment just for you.

"Most" sports photos by mortals need flash indoors.
And "most" will have a compact camera and be too far from the action for the flash to matter. So, while they may need a flash, the flash they have is not effective.
Originally Posted by CoachP
The OP, I'm sure isn't a SI photog with unlimited resources.

The hockey shot, while nice, is done with a $5k camera and a $2K lens in a controlled "studio" setting. Meaning lights, actors, cameras and I'm sure, hundreds of takes. And let's not forget the $9k F2.8 300 mm lenses for the football games.
All true, but some of the ones I referenced were not with a $5k camera but with a camera around $1.8k...still expensive but not as bad. I've seen several shots with <$1k cameras with no flash that are still quite respectable. For examle, you could get a Nikon D40x with a 50mm f1.4 and get some pretty good shots...all for about $700-800 (I'm sure Canon has comparable too).

Originally Posted by CoachP
So are todays cameras capable? Yes. Is the average person (or even an above average) in the stands with a flash at a HS/MS game holding $7k worth of equipment in his/her hands? Doubt it.
And the one they have has such a weak flash it doesn't even add any light to that subject 25-40 feet away.

Originally Posted by CoachP
When I shoot a game, I want as much pure light as possible. Every gym is different (mercury, sodium vapor, flourescent, etc.) so I "bounce" a white lightning off the ceilings. No harsh light, no flat flash effect, the whole gym is lit, no funny colors that I have to sit and photoshop all night long and the color is rich.....and NO ONE is even aware a flash is going off..
Agree, but that is probably a studio type strobe (I've got a pair of Alien Bees) that, while it is not horribly expensive, how to use them is beyond the knowledge of most users.

I've got just a few of my shots posted on smugmug if anyone cares to see some of them... Most of my shots there, however, are in private (hidden) gallerys since I photograph a lot of pre-teen sports and I only allow the parents of the teams access....not wanting to post pictures of their kids to the public.
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