Originally Posted by truerookie
11. Beginning an overtime period with a throw-in by the team entitled to the ball under the alternating-possession procedure. (Keep the jump ball to start overtime)
12. Adding an additional signal to the signal chart for a hit to the head. (Keep illegal use of hand signal meets the intent).
13. Adding an additional signal to the signal chart for hook/wrap. (Keep the hold signal that's what a hook and wrap is a hold).
14. Adding an additional signal to the signal chart for a trip. (Keep the block signal that what a trip is)
15. Adding an additional signal to the signal chart for basket interference. (Wave off; no need to change)
16. Adding an additional signal to the signal chart for an official’s accidental whistle.(I agree with jdw).
Penalize officials who refuse to use the appropriate signals in NFHS books. No post season assignments.
The illegal use of the hands look like a hack on the arms. Regardless of the intent a lot of officials hit the side of the head and should be encouraged to do so. It communicates the foul a heckuva lot better.
Why should the goal be to minimize the signals? The goal should be to communicate the best way possible.