Thread: Interference
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Old Thu Jun 13, 2002, 04:58pm
jicecone jicecone is offline
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What is this "WWF League Baseball"? Or "Roller Baseball"?
Come on now. Lets be realistic.

As in every sport there are those players that play on the verge of recklessness, all the time. "Pete Rose", comes to mind right off the bat. He played hard and tough all the time. But I find it very hard to believe that those type of players got that far with little or no respect for the rest of the players.

"Can a runner run into a fielder with the intent to do it hard enough to get to the base safely at the expense of hurting the fielder?” Sure, but at some point he is gonna pay for it. Either through the league or through the players.

As was stated before the collision at the plate is probably a perfect example of how this can happen. I really got to believe that 99.999% of the players that are in that situation, are not trying to hurt the catcher.
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