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Old Thu Jun 13, 2002, 01:58pm
Jerry Jerry is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 286
In baseball, there is no such things as a "tie". You can be "safe" or "out" by umpire judgement but it is impossible to judge a tie.

OBR is very specific as to when a batter is out. 6.02(j) . . . he or first base is tagged BEFORE he touches 1st base. I suppose that if you, as an umpire, determines that it was a virtual "tie" . . . (which is actually a physical impossibility under the laws of relativity), then you'd have to call the batter "safe". By inference, that could be interpreted as "A tie goes to the runner", but in actuality the judgement was made that the action was done either BEFORE or AFTER; not at the same time.

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