Thread: Church vs State
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Old Sat Feb 09, 2008, 10:38pm
lawump lawump is offline
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Originally Posted by GarthB
WTF??? As my favorite sergeant would say...."lighten up, Francis."

I would have thought an attorney with your years of experience would be able to handle my story, which is absolutley true and void of any sarcasm, with a bit of humor. (In fact, I recieved the last invoice I referenced just four days ago. I'd be happy to scan it and forward a copy.)

Having a bad day?
Actually, no. Today was the first day I got on the field (although not as an umpire (that has to wait 7 more days)), but rather as a father playing catch with his son before his son tried out for LL baseball (minors division).

I apologize if I mistook the tone and meaning of your story as being an attack "on the messenger (me)"...and completely missed the humor. Please except my sincere apology.

I too find both Georgia's and colonial American history fascinating. I actually had John Hancock's great-great-great....granddaughter as a childhood classmate. (I'm not originally from SC as you might guess). As for my family, my great-great-great...pepere fought in the French and Indian War: against George Washington"s troops. He was the only one of 4 brothers to survive. Fascinating stuff. I've given you some of my family trivia, too.
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