Originally Posted by lawump
Your not-so-witty sarcasm and story aside...you are beginning to strike me as the type of guy who would be the first to use the above historical "trivia" I have provided at some gathering in some vain attempt to impress your friends.
Either that, or judging by the contents of your last post, you have simply devolved and resorted to the lowest common denominator of attacking the messenger despite the messenger having cogently explained his original message.
I certainly hope neither is true as either would be sad (and beneath you) as I have, usually, in the past, enjoyed your posts.
WTF??? As my favorite sergeant would say...."lighten up, Francis."
I would have thought an attorney with your years of experience would be able to handle my story, which is absolutley true and void of any sarcasm, with a bit of humor. (In fact, I recieved the last invoice I referenced just four days ago. I'd be happy to scan it and forward a copy.)
Having a bad day? Surely you've heard far worse stories about members of your profession. I've heard far worse about members of my profession. Hell, you can't pick up a paper or watch CNN with seeing another teacher screwing a student.
I, too, have enjoyed and agreed with the vast majority of your posts, but this rather dour one surpises me.
As for using your trivia...no, it wouldn't be meaningful to most of those I know. To non-attorneys, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas will always refer to the board of education in Topeka, Kansas regardless of how many cases were combined. That's why your initial post of Brown v Board of education being a South Carolina suit surprised several here.
A piece of triva my friends would find more interesting is that the colony of Georgia was first inhabited by indentured servants who British businessman conviced King George to release from debtors prison so that they could work off their debts. King George argeed that keeping them in prison would do little to get the businessman their money and just happened to a piece of land in mind.