Originally Posted by JRutledge
Let me first qualify my statement by saying that NFL Timing rules are very different than college and high school rules. Unless there is some major difference, I will address what I am sure about.
If the clock was stopped because the ball was close to a first down, under rules outside of the NFL, you would start the clock on the ready for play. Normally when you stop the clock when the first down is very close, you are either going to measure or award a first down. There was no measurement so if Carey waited until the ready for play to start the clock that sounds correct to me. The NFL does things differently like stopping the clock after a QB sack, but most of their starting and stopping the clock procedures are the same as every other level.
Thanks. That's interesting. In that circumstance, the mechanic should probably be to try to come to a very firm view whether you are inclined to call for a measurement before stopping the clock. On the other hand, on 4th down you don't want to let the clock run too much in that circumstance, since that would take time off the clock for the other team in the event of a turnover on downs.