Originally Posted by fullor30
This is the time of year when everyone seems to break down, and I've never had to get off a game due to injury or illness............but, I've developed what I think is a shin splint and have switched shoes. Very painful and I'm limping. State tournament starts next week and thankfully, a few dates here have been cancelled to rest up for tourney games.
The pain is (no, not there) on the outside of my shin, lower near ankle. Any recommendations? Doe I tape it? Ice? Heat? Someone suggested a stretching exercise which I can't remember. Anyone? Heath Ledger's medicine chest?
---Too cheap to see a Doc---
TruFit makes an excellent velcro and elastic support that fits aroung your entire lower leg. It has removable inserts that run the length of either side of the tibia. It's the best thing I've found for shin splints. You might also consider filling several styrofoam cups with water and freezing them. After the game, take a knife and cut away the top 2/3 of the cup (leaving the bottom on the ice as an insulator). Rub your shin length-wise along both sides of the tibia in a deep massaging motion with the ice. Do this for about 10 minutes. You might also consider taking 200 mg of ibuprofen every four hours for a few days. This is about the best you can do and still work. Rest is about the best way to get over shin splints. Prevention is better -- get the best shoes you can find (New Balance 610) and keep your weight under control. Been there myself. Only gout is worse. Good luck