Ump 20...Perhaps you've made a valid point. However, he knows the rules of the game and is a good fundamental player. In every post I agreed that Holden should have been called out. My comments were simply meant to put a smile on his face and encourage him in some way to get back out there. He was very hurt by the manner in which the ump ejected him out in the previous game and didn't understand why some person he didn't know was screaming over and over at him. At the time he was still trying to figure out what he'd done wrong. I'm a teacher, a coach and a parent. I try to find the right balance with all of my parenting decisions. It's easy to criticize the way other people raise their children isn't it? I think umpires have a tough job. I admire thier dedication to the sport. However, when their actions or the manner in which they conduct themselves demeen a child, I feel they should not be allowed to work with children at a younger age.
I appreciate your comments but thank goodness I don't have to agree with them.