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Old Sun Jan 27, 2008, 10:44pm
Daryl H. Long Daryl H. Long is offline
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Location: Jerry City, Ohio
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I have tried for 2 hours to respond but everytime I submitted my reply the forum logged me out. I will find out why later.

There are 2 questions under consideration in this thread.
1. Can Varsity Player warm-up with the JV team? (BillieMac)
2. How do we handle a situation in which the Var player dunks. (Gimlet25id)

The answer to both hinges on who we include as fitting the definition of "Bench Personnel' per 4-34-2.

As for responses I will reply first by mentioning the one who brought my name into the fray. The preacher agrees with MTD in part but not the whole. Just because I agreed with the decision to assess the T does not mean I agree with all the analagies you presented nor the logic behind what kind of T it is. (it is not a player technical nor a team technical as Rainmaker said). Nor are we authorized by rule to make a coach submit a name to his roster like you suggested. Also the time on the pregame clock is of no consequence initially.

The Preacher agrees with JR in part but not the whole. We differ only on the definition of bench personnel as I mentioned above. I believe the Varsity players warming up with JV to be bench personnel and JR says no. If JR is right then he has posted the correct solution of how to handle the matter. Get game management to remove everyone not associated with the team. Now the responsibility for safety of the team is in the hands the proper authorities as deemed by rule (See Officials Manual, pg 6, 1.0.7) And just so we are very clear, just because I disagree with JR on who to include in the open defintion of bench personnel I in no way will impugn his logic in reaching his conclusion. Based on his definition he is consistent within the rules of how to solve the situation. (My reasons to include are below)

Is there a need for the rules committee to clarify who may be on the court for pregame warmups? Yes. Just the different opinions by esteemed members of this forum's "rules committee" in this thread back my affirmation. As some have mentioned I could use the elastic clause of Rule 2-2-3 to make a decision but then as JR said it could come back to haunt me later. So to prohibit that I must consider all the rules I know exist for sure before doing so.

Most of the rules cover what to do during the game. Very few address the pregame.

Rule 2-2-2; Officials Jurisdiction begin.
Rule 2-2-4; Referee's pregame duties.
Rule 3-2; Submission of roster, starters, etc 10 min prior.
Rule 4-5-2; Designates pregame warmup basket for each teat
Rule Rule 6-2-2, 6-3; Give requirements for player location on court prior to jump ball to start the game.
Rule 10-1-1,2; Penalty for violating Rule 3-2
Rule 10-3-4; Pregame dunk and penalty
Rule 10-4; Bench technical fouls.

Other rules to consider:
Rule 2-2-1: Officials shall make decisions for infractions of the rules..
Rule 4-34-4; Definition of team member.
Rule 10-4; Head coach responsible for conduct and behavior of bench personnel.

That said let me give my take of the situation.

Rule 4-5-2 only authorizes individuals of a team to be on the court to practice at its team basket prior to the game. Once I take jurisdiction anyone I see practicing there I consider them to be team members (especially anyone wearing official team uniforms and no they do not all have to be identical, only same color and legal). They are bench personnel. I have authority to define them as bench personnel as the definition given in 4-34-2 says the list specifically mentioned is not all inclusive.

If I should observe anyone warming up at the teams basket violate a rule (in this case a pregame dunk) the as an official I am bound by Rule 2-2-1 to invoke the appropriate penalty (Rule 4-32) I will go to the Head Coach and notify him of the person who dunked and that by rule (10-3-4 penalty) he is also assessed an indirect T and also now must remain seated during the game (10-5 Penalty, Note)

So far the time on the pregame clock is of no consequence. Once it reaches 10:00 I will check the book and if the dunkers' name is there he will receive a direct T which counts for one of 5 leading to disqualification. If his name is not listed I will have the scorer note the dunker was bench personnel, note his name and the time of the pre-game infraction.

Bottom line is I will not allow an infraction of this magnitude to go unpunished. As said before if the rules committee ties our hands so the act cannot be punished then this can only lead to chaos. The Varisty teams will all come out and put on a dunk show until game management is rounded up to remove them from the court. Ignoring these actions compromises the safety of everyone.
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