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Old Mon Jan 21, 2008, 04:48pm
Coltdoggs Coltdoggs is offline
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Originally Posted by tomegun
Coltdoggs, think about every situation that you would call a hold and tell me if a fist full of jersey is one of them. I just don't know how someone would accidentally have a fist full of jersey. Like Blindzebra said, this isn't a common foul. Whether you let the play go as I described it or not is up to you, but it shouldn't be a common foul in my opinion.
So you are saying you would call IF on my screen play for a fist full o' jersey....

I get what you are saying...I'm replaying the very scenario I posted where a defender had a fist full of the back of a cutters jersey going throught the lane...I saw it from T position and called the hold. I might give this different consideration the next time I see it and your comment has me thinking that way...

don't know how someone would accidentally have a fist full of jersey.
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