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Old Wed Jun 05, 2002, 07:00pm
Rog Rog is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 289

Having been led to believe that an umpire should first learn the rules and interpretations of baseball, I fail to see how most umpire's could ever incorporate the likes of the following into any game with any continuity - - -

A sample of some 2002 local ground rules:

4.1 Local Ground Rules - All Leagues

4.1.5 - In the event lightening is seen the umpires and/or coaches will immediately suspend play and all people should seek safety until the danger has passed. If one coach decides to pull his team from the playing field due to weather conditions, the game shall be suspended at that point in time.

4.1.21 - A minimum of 7 players must be present to constitute a legal game. In the event one team does not have seven participants present, the umpire will wait a maximum of 15 minutes to start the game. At that point, the game will be forfeited if the short manned team does not have at least seven rostered players present. At the discretion of the coaches, a scrimmage game may be played, but all pitching eligibility rules will apply.

4.1.22 - A runner is out if the runner does not slide when attempting to pass through a fielder who has the ball and is waiting to make a tag. A fielder not in possession of the ball, or in the act of fielding a ball, cannot impede the progress of a runner. This is deemed to be an obstruction and the umpire will award the runner the proper base he/she would have reached had the obstruction not taken place.

4.1.26 - If a specific situation is not covered by a specific local rule the Official Rules of Baseball will be used to settle the situation.

4.1.27 - If conflicting rules are stated, specific local League rules take precedence over specified local Ground Rules.

4.3 Boys Major League Baseball Rules

4.3.1 - Runners may steal second base, third base or home. Runners cannot advance on a dropped third strike.

4.3.3 - Any runner who misses a base while advancing, if seen by the umpire shall be called out at the end of the play (no appeal will be in effect). In the case of the third out, runs scored by runners behind the runner who missed a base shall not count.

4.3.4 - The ball is dead when an infielder returns the ball to the pitcher in the dirt circle of the pitcher's mound. Runners must return to their respective bases.

4.3.5 - Unlimited runs are allowed during an inning. However, there is a "12 run rule" in effect. If, after 4 complete innings, one team is behind by 12 or more runs, the game is automatically deemed completed. This is not optional. The playing teams can continue on playing in a "scrimmage" capacity for the remainder of the game, should both coaches agree.

4.3.11 - Nine players will be played in the field.

4.3.12 - Bunting is allowed.

4.3.13 - The balk rule is not enforced, however a pitcher will be subject to removal if he/she continues to exhibit the balk move after being warned by the umpire to stop.

4.3.14 - The infield fly rule will be enforced.

4.4 Boys Minor League Baseball Rules

4.4.1 - Base stealing is allowed at all bases with the exception of home base. No advancement to home can be made on a passed ball, wild pitch or a straight steal (e.g. runners on first and third; player steals second, runner on third cannot advance to home if a play is made to second base). The ball is dead and no runner may advance on any throw back to the pitcher (delayed steal). Runners cannot advance on a dropped third strike. Double steals are allowed. Overthrows on a steal, a player may not advance. Past balls at home plate, player may attempt to advance one base (not to home).

4.4.2 - No leading off of bases until the ball reaches home plate. If a player leaves base early, he/she must return to that base. If a player leaves a base early and the ball is hit, this will be a dead ball situation and the play will be repeated.

4.4.5 - Every player must field for a minimum of four complete innings. Players may re-enter the game at any time. However, one a pitcher is removed, he/she cannot re-enter the game to pitch. Every player must play a minimum of 8 innings in both the outfield and the infield during the season. Exceptions must be communicated to the League President.

4.4.14 - A batter who throws the bat will be warned. On the next offense, the player will be registered with an automatic out, all base runners will return to their original base.

4.5 - Instructional T-Ball/T-6 League Rules

4.5.4 - The Fair Ball Line is defined as a 15 foot radius drawn between the first and third base lines.

4.5.5 - A fair ball is a ball hit beyond the Fair Ball Line. When a fair ball is batted, the batter and runners should advance a maximum of one base.

4.5.6 - Any batted ball that does not cross the Fair Ball Line is a foul ball. When a foul ball is batted, runners retreat to their respective bases and the batter will make another attempt to hit the ball.

4.5.7 - 5 Year Olds: All hitting will take place off of a tee.

4.5.8 - 6 Year Olds: For the first 5 games of the season, all hitting will take place off of a tee. For the remainder of the season:

· In the first inning, each team will hit off of the tee.

· In the 2nd and 3rd innings, at the discretion of the coach, each batter may hit a ball pitched underhand by their coach.

4.5.19 - Any player intentionally throwing a bat in anger shall be removed for the remainder of the game.

Now, I fail to see how many an experienced umpire can avoid a major $hitstorm in any game using these rules. How can we expect inexperienced umpire's to endure this nonsense.
Any wonder the number of umpire's is dwindling....
"Enjoy the moment....."
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