Originally Posted by JRutledge
Race is an issue I deal with on a regular basis. Whether it is overt or it is under the radar. If you think I am upset because you "call me out on it" then you have a lot to learn about me and this country. We just had race interjected in the current election and there was a Golf Channel Commentator that made some comments so this topic is not going away. And when people make comments about someone's criminal background (which the word Thug implies and is the definition of the word), then I have the right to point that out. Now if you do not want comments then do not post something that everyone can read and you will not have to worry about what I or others think. And I do not care if I am the only one that finds it odd (but it was pointed out by another poster BTW). I will stop talking about race when people that are not my color stop talking to me about it or implying things about me and others only on the basis of what I look like.
Just because you are black does not mean you are the only one who deals with race issues on a regular basis. White people encounter it too. And where do you get the idea that I thought you were upset?? I didn't say that at all. I don't believe that the original poster meant that Hines Ward was a criminal just because he used the word thug. Thug has various definitions, and not all of them mean that someone is a criminal.
My point is, you interject race into almost any discussion you can, whether directly or indirectly, and it is generally allowed on the boards. Probably cause Brad and Company fear a lawsuit if they shut you down.
When someone such as myself brings it up, however, it is shut down immediately. Bob?