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Old Tue Jun 04, 2002, 01:50pm
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Newburgh NY
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At various times throughout this year we have had threads on leagues wanting a MUST Slide" Rule, (we know there is no MUST Slide rule anywhere) or registering an out for a player throwing the bat or some "strange" ground rules which go against the book ruling.

All of this leads me to the point of my thread. If the league is basically a well behaved one (very limited problems) and they pay good money for our services do we really care what their rules are as long as we get a copy and know them up front?

I don't know about you, but I have umpired on fields where DBT was only about 6ft. from either side of first or third which meant that just about every over throw went into DBT. Therefore, this particular league had a ground rule that superceded the rule-book saying that any ball going into DBT from anywhere was a one base award - Period.

In addition, except for major league baseball (and they don't even follow the strict letter of the law sometimes), no league uses STRICT OBR. There are always EXCEPTIONS and as long as those exceptions are known up front do we really care.

If there is controversy over a league adopted rule - let them handle it. Rules are constantly being revised or changed anyway. if the league gets enough complaints over a certain ruling which isn't "crystal clear" or easy to enforce let them worry about it.

Here's a typical conversation at the plate with some leagues I umpire for. Coaches what rules are we playing by today and are there any exceptions? There is one men's league that allows a team to both start and finish with 8.

If they start the game with 8 they do not have to take an automatic out for the 9th spot, however, if their 9th player does show up then he is a Sub only meaning he can't enter the field as to make 9 players. He can sub for another player but the team must reamin with only 8.

Some might say - this is a strange rule - but it's their rule - they pay me $70 per game so who cares.

What's your take on local league rules? and do you really care what they are as long as they are known up front and the league is basically a well behaved one and the pay is good.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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