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Old Tue Jan 08, 2008, 10:35am
TheOracle TheOracle is offline
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Location: Velley Forge, PA
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Originally Posted by kbilla
Then this 07-08 CCA men's manual that I am looking at is either crazy or poorly written, because there is a mechanics change in here for this year that states that "primary responsibility for block/charge calls inside the lane that are going to the basket reside with the lead official". There is then an illustration on page 23 for anyone who has the the illustration the dribbler gets past the primary defender on a drive and collides with a secondary defender in the states that "the lead will have primary responsibility since the contact occurs in the lane area and will signal a foul resulting in a block or charge". Now it is true that in this example the contact occurs in the L's primary, but the drive came out of T's primary it appears in the diagram and they are still calling it L's responsibility..additionally, nowhere does it say that the L will only have primary responsibility for contact in the lane "in C's primary" which leads me to believe that this would be the same if the contact occurred on the other side of the lane...anybody else have a different interpretation fo this?
You should be strong-side on drives to the hole a large majority of the time. If you are not, you are not getting ball-side nearly enough. Therefore, it should be somewhat rare when a player drives all the way to the hole from the weak-side, which should be handled by the C. On the strong-side, L should be getting the block/charge. The reason for the change is two-fold. First, a large majority of those block/charge calls occur due to secondary defenders, which is an L primary responsibility. The other reason is optics/perception: it looks better to everyone and is perceived as better when the lead makes that call, due to the proximity to the play. And yeah, I'm waiting for Captain Literal to say the same as when the drive comes from the C side, but read the first two lines of this.

To the OP: Get ball side when possible. If the ball is over there, and there are other players there too, get over, because the C cannot take the ball matchup and anyone else.
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