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Old Fri May 31, 2002, 07:18pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
Posts: 30,539
Question I guess the rules only apply to me?

Originally posted by zebraman
We all do this for the kids, yeah right.

Rut, I most certainly do. As I said before, it doesn't make sense to do it for the money. When you figure out your "per hour" ratio, it is peanuts. Most of the officials in my area are professionals and could make more staying a little late at work than they do for the whole officiating season. It is obvious from your statements that you don't do it for the kids. That's fine..but I do and so do many.

Then do not accept money when you are volunteering next time.

If I accepted money, it would not be considered volunteering by definition so that makes no sense. I have often reffed boy's club, special olympics, and other youth tourneys for free. That is called volunteering. Other times I get paid. I would still ref if it wasn't paid...just not so many nights during the season. The money is a bonus and I have never turned it down.

I have never intentionally lied about anything you said. You flame people regularly and then act defensive when I make a reference to your dislike for AAU ball which you have railed on endless times. You are hard to follow quite often. You seem to contradict yourself quite often. You claim to not care what anyone says yet you go to great lengths (and many paragraphs) when someone disagrees with you. You re-open closed threads to "get in the last word." You say some of us don't have a life because we do some AAU ball which is really none of your business. Besides, I do one sport and you do three so if your definition of not having a life is too much reffing, look in the mirror. Take your own advice and chill.


I guess you consider it a flame when I respond to you, when you respond to me it is not? Interesting. I guess you must really care, you reponded with a couple of paragraphs means you do not care but I do. I see you logic and the rules applies to me but not you, you make perfect sense. :P

Well all that is neither here nor there. You still lied about what I said about AAU. My comment was what it was, "What do you expect, it is an AAU Tournament?" AAU is usually a very mixed bag, that was the whole point. But I guess that means I do not do them or never do tournaments to you. You are on this board, what else should I expect? That is why I said you lied. Maybe you do not need to get a life, but you sure as hell need to not worry what I (I is the crucial word here) think about Stupid AAU tournaments. I know many more officials that do not do any of AAU or any summer ball for that matter than the ones that do. So I guess that means that many of us do not like them or do not care one way or the other. So while you are doing AAU, I am doing baseball. At least during the spring. You can have them, I will be on the Pier. Or at Great America, or anywhere I want to spend my summer.

I guess this is a flame in your definition.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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