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Old Tue Jan 01, 2008, 08:19pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by BayStateRef
So based on the facts of this game, what would you do?
On a play like this I check the clock to make sure that the timer properly waits to start it. So I would have seen it start and caught it after only a couple of seconds came off. At that point I would have sounded the whistle, which would have been well before the player touched the ball inbounds, and reset the clock to 34. Since the stoppage came DURING a throw-in that is the POI and the game is resumed with a throw-in for the same team from the same location.

JR has made a good point in the past that NFHS 4-36-1 does not specify "timing" error, but it does state correctable error. I think that the spirit and intent of the rule is for it to apply just the same. Also I have sent a comment about adding the words "or timing mistake" to my rep on the NFHS rule committee. This is a simple fix which would greatly clarify such situations.
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