Originally Posted by JugglingReferee
Nevadaref has previously explained, with proof, that the National Fedeation finally stated explicitly to not allow for "do-overs". They seemed rather adamant about this case, so one might be smart to listen to this; even if it seems that this is the right thing to do. However, I'm not certain that this situation falls inside the Fed's thinking in this case.
It's a timing error. This is clearly a situation to which the statement is intended to apply.
Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
1) Nevadaref has no definitive proof to back up his previous opinion. The FED language issued re: do-overs was not meant to cover a play like this. This play is a do-over.
Nope, not my opinion, it's a clear statement by the NFHS. It's right there in black and white in the new officials manual.
Originally Posted by JugglingReferee
I searched for NV's post re: do-overs and the search function wasn't helpful for me.  Oh well.
Allow me to help you locate it.
there are no provisions in the rules for "do-overs"