Mon Dec 31, 2007, 12:42am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2002
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Originally Posted by footlocker
b. When one foot is on the playing court:
1. That foot shall be the pivot foot when the other foot touches in a
A.R. 110. Is it traveling when a player (a) falls to the playing court while holding the ball; or (b) gains control of the ball while on the playing court and then, because of momentum, rolls or slides, after which the player passes or starts a dribble before getting to his or her feet? RULING: In (a), yes, because it is virtually impossible not to move the pivot foot when falling to the playing floor.
this indicates that a player can maintain a pivot while being on the ground. but nothing has explicitly said that this is a travel.
That is if he already had established one. You are missing that point.