Originally Posted by rockyroad
JR, why are you so AGAINST officials knowing that a player has 4 fouls?? I want to be aware of lots of things - how many time-outs a team has left. Whether a team has used all their 30 second time-outs. How many team fouls each team has. Do any of the players have 4 fouls. I like to know all of that stuff...like M&M said, it absolutely does NOT affect the way I call the game, but if I know these things, then my crew doesn't look like bozos when we ask the coach "Is that a full or 30, Coach?" and the coach snaps back "All I have are fulls!" and when the 5th foul is called, it doesn't take us by surprise and we are ready to handle that situation because we already knew the kid had four...why is that such a bad thing to you?? 
Are you really telling me that you aren't ready to handle the situation when the bench tells you that a player has five fouls if you didn't already know that they had four? Bull pucky! You'd handle it exactly the same way whether you knew or you didn't know. And if the scorer has made a mistake on the foul count somewhere, it will show up on the fourth or the fifth foul anyway, so you're gonna have to deal with it-no matter what.
Some information is useful and I never have said any thing differently. That particular bit of information about a player having four fouls just isn't useful though imho.