Originally Posted by SamIAm
Pardon me for interupting, but I have a question for TD21.
How do you know your partners are not adjusting their games for the way you call a game? What about the players that you have officiated before, but with a different partner. You adjust your game to a different partner. Isn't consistensy being distorted at this point?
People always talk about consistency. Why? If I get a block charge wrong on one end am I going to come down and get it wrong on the other end just to be consistent? Two wrongs don't make a right. As for partners.......I talk about match-ups and finding who our players are in pregame. I never talk about philosophy because some guys just don't officiate the same way and it would be pointless to get into an arguement with them over it. As for adjusting to what your partners are calling, you have to see what they are doing and do the best you can. I he wants to call two bad fouls on a player in a row to sit him, that's on him. That's not saying if a coach goes crazy and needs to be dealt with I won't deal with it. And that doesn't mean I afraid to call fouls on certain players becuase I don't want to get yelled out. I am just in the camp that quality calls are always better and that is definitely true when we are dealing with fifth fouls and other situation that affect the game. If we could always be right then it wouldn't matter, but unfortunately we aren't. Some guys are better at getting more plays right than others. Each play is a single act, and each act is put together into the game. What happens in each act affects all the other acts. That's why remembering plays and knowing what you called where, when and on who helps you to make those decisions later in the game. We can't treat every play as a single act that is just a single event not part of something bigger.