Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
The day that you stop worrying about what coaches think will be the day that you start learning how to become an official.
Or not....
I've heard this quote before and it is usually from an official who has been around awhile. I respect veteran officials and listen to what they have to say. Some stuff I use other stuff I don't. But in the case of worrying what coaches think? It's not being worried, its knowing how they are going to react. Just like you know how some partners are going to call the game and you have to adjust for that. Or knowing how players are going to play and you have to adjust for that. The coaches are no different. No two games are the same. And if you think you can go out there and treat every game the same then that is your right. I don't work that way. Different games bring different situation, different match-ups. Just like certain calls bring certain reactions from certain coaches. Knowing your personnel, as we've talked about, is very important. I never said I would anything about worrying about what the coach think. I just know how they will react in certain situation. The more information you have the better you can handle the situation. If you are prepared then you more than ready when these situations arise. Now if you want to say that is worrying about what a coach thinks go ahead. I call it preventative officiating. Some can see situations coming before they happen, and take care of it while others never see them coming and don't know how to handle them when they do.