Wed Dec 26, 2007, 01:36pm
Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
I guess Ralph Malph doesn't know that Oregon in in the USA, since this is where it happened. Oh wait - they don't teach geography until the second grade. That explains it. (Uhhh, Re-read the post nucklehead). That is the ONLY place it has happened in the USA - and these two guys get to go into the record books with dubious distinction.)
Not only that, he used "y'all". (That is a fragment, not a complete sentence.)That explains everything.
Didn't he mention something about the French in another post? That proves he's FEEBLE-minded, too. (Yes, I mentioned the French are idiots and have been on the wrong side of history since time began, save the time they saved the Colonials' butts. Sort of like you on this issue.)
Oh yeah - "no where" is one word in that context. Oh wait - I keep forgetting they don't teach that stuff until the second grade.
To use his words, that's the "simple proof". Actually, it's simple to prove something when the person to whom you're referring is simple minded.
blah, blah, blah.