Tue Dec 25, 2007, 06:53pm
Originally Posted by bob jenkins
How do you know he didn't? He never said he did or stated that he constantly tried to prevent the infraction through game management.
What if the infractions were after made baskets when there isn't the chance to bak them up? If the kids didn't learn after the first or second T, what makes you think they'd learn after another "warning?" NINE technicals plus one warning = 10 opportunities to NOT call a T. He gave up or tried to prove he was the master of the court.
If the purpose of this particular rec league is better served by ignoring (or otherwise changing) this particular rule, then I'm sure it would have been changed. (See "no press" or "man-to-man defense only" or "everyone must play" rules for common examples) Given that it hasn't, it should be enforced. Did he call every single infraction or did he use judgment and let some go? HMMM. Why is this different? I seriously doubt he called EVERY travel or carry in this rec game of 12 year olds.
Right. That's why it was worthy of posting. A post like "I called both a travelling violation and a shooting foul in one game today" wouldn't be that interesting (unless, perhaps, those were the only calls of the day). It was worthy of posting to show everyone how NOT to do it.