Couple of points...
FIBA - shot attempt is blocked, without the ball leaving the shooter's hands, and the shooter returns to the floor. There are two possible outcomes -
a) One or neither of the defender's hands are in contact with the ball when the shooter returns to the floor - correct call
b) Both of the defender's hand are on the ball when the shooter returns to the floor - correct call
Jump Ball
My other comment is about basing rules intepretations on what statisticians say. For example - a shot attempt according to the role that an observer is fulfilling, can be two very different things. To explain:
Red 4 shoots the ball - as soon as the shooter starts his (her) shooting motion the attempt becomes a shot attempt (as far as the statistician is concerned) but it is not a shot attempt until it hits the ring (as far as the 24 second shot clockis concerned). I hope you can all follow that