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Old Fri Dec 21, 2007, 03:39pm
kbilla kbilla is offline
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Originally Posted by jmaellis
I had a similar situation with a coach (a dad) the other day as well. Just to set the stage, it was a 4/5th grade girls game, Team A winning at the half something like 20-5. Team A was mostly 4th graders last year, so mostly 5th graders this year; Team B probably equally mixed. Coach B is a yeller, and IMO a bit of an AH to his kids (not a lot of coaching .. more or less he just yells at them). At halftime Coach B comes up to me and angrily states that his kids are "getting hacked out there." I reply that my partner and I are calling what we see (both teams earned 5/6 fouls during the first half). Coach replies, "Yeah, right." ..... WHACK!

In the second half A1 is near the free throw line. She is a tiny thing and "winds up" before she shoots. A1 gets the ball, she is facing the basket, looking directly at it. She lowers the ball to about waist level and then starts to bring it up when B1 grabs her arm. I call the foul .. two shots. Coach B is all bent out of shape, asking how it can be a shooting foul since the ball never left her hands. I inform him that she was "in the act of shooting" and then proceed with the free throws (I also remind Coach B that he needs to remain seated ). Coach's facial expression made it clear that he thought I was HUA on the shooting foul.

Same coach earlier in the game had "never heard of that" with respect to a free throw having to hit the rim in order for it to be playable.

Following week Coach B has a player foul out, He is taking his sweet time replacing her. I instruct the timer to start a 30 second clock. Coach B snaps, "It's 60 seconds." My partner and I inform him otherwise. He ultimately gets a replacement in with about a second to spare.

BTW, we give the coaches and extra 10 seconds because when a player leaves the game (fouls/injury) they have to make adjustments with respect to mandatory playing time for the kids.

I wonder what this weekend will bring .
Just out of curiosity, do you guys who do a lot of MS stuff where many of the gyms don't have coaching boxes actually enforce the coaching box rule? Meaning do you let them roam and if you do and end up teching them, do you make them sit? The MS stuff that I do there is never a box, but we do let them roam wherever they want as long as they are coaching and not badgering us...I have put them on the bench before if I tech them and decide that they are not going to shut up, but it is tough to explain to a coach that they have "lost the box" if there was no box to begin with just an imagined allowance...just curious how you guys handle it...
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