Bearfan, you have lucidly described the sequence of events but your misapprehension of the definitions in 4-23 are impairing your ability to make the correct call. Think of it this way.....
Originally Posted by Bearfanmike20
Yes he was facing the ball handler,
Assuming he was inbounds and had feet on floor, does this not constitute INITIAL LGP? then
Originally Posted by Bearfanmike20
he slid over in front of an (already moving -this is immaterial) ball handler
So long as he was sliding sideways and not toward the ball handler, and reached his spot on the floor first, this is a legally condoned motion to maintain his LGP. Elbow to the throat notwithstanding, if illegal contact results in displacement of the defender, this is PC foul in my book.
Sorry for making you my designated whipping boy, nothing personal intended