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Old Fri Dec 21, 2007, 01:56pm
Kelvin green Kelvin green is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
Yes, you did. This is why I hate it when officials say "on the floor" when the foul was before the shot. "On the floor" is irrelevant. Even if an airborne shooter is fouled prior to jumping, it could be a shooting foul if his attempt had started prior to the contact.
I know lets play pick the right response!

Look at the two statements below:

A) The act of shooting starts when, in the official's judgment, the player has started his shooting motion and continues until the shooting motion ceases and he returns to a normal floor position.

B) After a player has started a try for a goal, he is permitted to complete customary arm movement, and if pivoting or stepping when fouled may complete the ususal foot or body movement... These privilges are granted only when the ususal throwing motion has started...

OK which one is the NBA rule and which one is the NFHS rule?

My point is that high school refs are afraid to call act of shooting when it is really there and too afraid to hear "Hey ref were not NBA continuation!"
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