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Old Fri Dec 21, 2007, 01:46pm
justacoach justacoach is offline
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Originally Posted by fullor30
"PLEEEZE familiarize yourself with the concepts set forth in this rule. I am thoroughly disgusted at officials who can't recognize the difference between OBTAINING and MAINTAINING LGP"

"Stop being so defensive and try to enlarge your awareness of this chain of events".

Coach................ a little crisp today? He's a relatively new official who comes here for improvement and to learn something. Try offering your solutions sans the editorial comment.
Formerly a coach, took a pay cut to become an official!!!!
On a crusade against officials who constantly kick this call because they fail to grasp that the simple requirements for establishing LGP, ie;feet on floor and inbounds(4-23-2 a&b), are preliminary to, and separate from, the movements allowed to maintain LGP (4-23-3 a thru e) and they have to be considered in their individual contexts and timeframes.
I am really tired of officials who cannot escape the playground vernacular of "He was moving" or "He was not set"
I am convinced that a significant percentage of our officiating brethren still operate on this bogus interpretation and routinely penalize the defense.
/off soapbox
Prettys Womans in your city
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