...when I heard the name "Eli Roe" announced at the WNBA pre-season game I attended last evening!!! Somehow, I hadn't understood that he was doing WNBA, so I wasn't watching for him.
At first, I was thinking, "What will I say about him on the board? Will I have to be only polite?" But it soon became obvious that I would be able to lean back and enjoy the show, and learn a little something. Eli definitely deservedSto be at the level he's at, and I'll be watching for him to move up in the future (if he wants to).
I thought the crew overall did a very good job. There was one call which the fans went ballistic over (a crashing block, with a travel before it), which the replay on the overhead screen didn't show clearly. It was made by a partner of eroe. From my very experienced point of view, the partner was in good position, and it was probably a good call. If it was a bad call, it was the only one. They called it quite a bit tighter than last year, which I approve of, and they all hustled and looked great (if I were not old enough to be Eli's mother, I'd be following Mark P's example and calling him "hunk-a-licious").
Eli, the best thing you did was to be certain Portland won. I really couldn't even tell how you did it!
It was an absolute gas to watch it, and I HOPE YOU WILL LET ME KNOW, if you're to be in Portland again. I don't even need free tickets, since I have season tickets.
[Edited by rainmaker on May 20th, 2002 at 08:41 AM]