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Old Fri Dec 07, 2007, 01:18pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
California Change-up

Speaking ASA

Had a nice discussion with a young lady who has been instructing some youth pitchers.

She was telling me that she had a serious argument with one of the "daddy" coaches concerning this pitch, insisting that it was totally legal and this girl had no idea of what she was doing when she disagreed.

As shown to me, it is a ball which the pitcher releases back-hand the first time past the hip and then continues with another revolution.

I suggested she have the daddy read 6FP.3.M which forbids a revolution of the arm after releasing the ball.

Before you start talking about "two revolutions", remember, this is post-delivery, not part of it. The pitcher can follow through after the pitch. However, as demonstrated, the pitching arm continues in a revolution again coming back past the hip, not just dropping down to the side.

Now, here is my question for you FP maniacs, which umpire is going to make that call? With the ball in flight, I could see where the PU may not notice the pitcher's arm after the release.

edited to note rule set though probably the same in all

Last edited by IRISHMAFIA; Fri Dec 07, 2007 at 05:08pm.
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