Art. 2... It is legal use of hands to reach to block or slap the ball controlled by a dribbler or a player throwing for goal or a player holding it and accidentally hitting the hand of the opponent when it is in contact with the ball.
Art. 2... A player shall not contact an opponent with his/her hand unless such contact is only with the opponent's hand while it is on the ball and is incidental to any attempt to play the ball.
If B1's contact with A1's hand (while it is in contact with the ball) is accidental and during a legit shot to play the ball then by rule it is out of bounds on A.
7-2-1 ... The ball is caused to go out of bounds by the last player in bounds to touch it or be touched by it...
However, if B1 contacts A1's hand intentionally to cause the ball to go out of bounds then you have a personal foul, do you not?
Are there rocks ahead? If there are, we all be dead!