Originally Posted by JRutledge
I am not missing anything and I am not trying to make a point. I personally do not care if he was thrown out or not. That is based on the philosophies of the NFL and their officials. I do not make a habit of trying to second guess officials I see on TV when I did not hear what was said and the league is not paying me to work the game. And you cannot use standards of amateur sports and apply them to the pro game. You never can. This is why what you see MLB Umpires do would get you fired at other levels. I personally could give a damn. They lost the game and largely did so because their team imploded at the end. Why do you care why I do not care? And if you have not noticed, I am the only person really talking to you about this. That should tell you something about the outrage. If I was not bored I might not be talking to you either. 
Alright, Alright - I give up. I'm not trying to second guess NFL Officials either. Actually, just trying to get a better understanding for their thought process. As I said, I only work baseball (I have a hard enought time with balls/strikes & safes/outs - I can't imagine trying to call holding, illegal formation etc). However, I think we can all learn from each others' experiences and if I can pick something up from an official from a different sport and apply it to mine, then that's a good thing. Thanks for your thoughts