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Old Thu Dec 06, 2007, 01:15am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by UES
In reply, I realize that the comments regarding the integrity of the officials and the league were made AFTER the game. However, since those comments appeared in every major newspaper, TV and radio stations across the US on Tuesday, I don't understand what the NFL is "investigating". Allowing players to openly question the integrity of officials as well as the ethics of the league undermines the backbone of the sport and that has to be dealt with SWIFTLY and SEVERLY
I think if you wait to see what the fines or suspensions might be, you might feel differently. You are just talking about 2 days from the incident. It is not like they waited a week and nothing is being done. My understanding the league will wait until sometime tomorrow to take whatever action will be taken. For all you know Scott might be suspended a couple of games. You do not know.

Originally Posted by UES
As for Baltimore's Scott throwing the flag into the stands, that SHOULD have been an AUTOMATIC, IMMEDIATE ejection and no one will convince me otherise. And I know he was not ejected because he remained on the sideline and never left the field. I don't care how many yards he was penalized, he has got to go for that... PERIOD! Moreover, because Mr White Hat did not take care of business, it will only be a matter of time before some other idiot does the same thing and then what... he has screwed his fellow referees because he set a bad precident by allowing a player to do that and still remain in the game. That looks bad - REAL BAD now doesn't it?
Once again I think officials know the league will take action. Once again, I do not see this as a big deal. And I have never seen MLB make a big deal about an ejection (and they get in the faces of umpires all the time) unless the player or coach does not leave in a timely manner. And even when they throw stuff they do not lose games. I have seen umpires contacted and it takes time for them to suspend the person for 1 game.

Originally Posted by UES
I understand that the different sports handle on field actions differently - mainly because football has USC penalties and basketball has technical fouls they can hand out to diffuse situations. However, when a player crosses the line as bad as Scott did, an ejection has to be given or else an official will lose credibility and appear as "soft". Now I'm not saying you have to be a red a$$, but come on, what he did was totally unacceptable and ONLY punishable, IMO, with automatic EJECTION.
This is the difference between baseball umpires and other sports. Baseball umpires are worried about being called soft. I can tell you that as a basketball official the last thing I am ever worried about is being called soft. As a basketball official trying to be a “tough guy” can go against you rather fast. And as a football official it does not even cross my mind. If you look at NFL particularly they fine the hell out of their players for all kinds of stuff. And I do not think the officials have to worry about credibility when players and coaches are fined big time for what they say in the media and how they act on or off the field. Michael Vick was not even convicted of anything and he was already suspended. I have never heard of a player in baseball even suspended for a DUI let alone anything they do on the field towards and umpire. So relax. I think the reason you do not see anyone talking about this, is because it is not that big of a deal.

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