Originally Posted by Damian
Last week, I had a spot throw in on the end line. After throwing the ball in, the thrower ran along the baseline out of bounds and came in the other side of the lane while the ball was being passed around the top to get probably back to him.
I immediately called a violation. This year, there was a rule change stating that a player that was legally out of bounds and did not return would be charged a technical. I knew the rule, but it just seemed too severe. So, I just called it using last years interpretation. Has this happened to anyone else?
In 10.3.3 Situation A the official called the T after the player received the pass back NOT prior to.
I think the only way to tell if the act was to purposely &/or deceitfully delay return is to let the player receive the return pass... then whack 'em. if they delay return but don't get the ball back, do we really need that game interupter??
It's tough to call a technical or in your case of judgement a violation for something you said was "probable".