Fri Nov 30, 2007, 11:58am
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: San Diego
Posts: 49
Originally Posted by Snaqwells
I don't know about other states, but Colorado has explicitly followed the NFHS guideline, and isntructed the officials to call all profanity, even if directed at players. So yes, coaches do need to watch what they say to their players.
That said, at most, "dammit" might earn a quick chat depending on how loud it was uttered.
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Yeah, they missed that one. First of all, sounds like I would have let it go. However, if you'd been making a scene all game….
Also, there's a casebook play that states explicitly that the official should hold his whistle on this until after the layup; don't penalize the other team.
While we may or may not agree with you, the NFHS and at least my state don't. I may think I have better things to do than nag the players about tucking their shirts in, too, but the rules committee tells me otherwise. 
I've never believed in "making a scene" or excessively carrying on with an official during a game. The bottom line is it generally just makes a coach look bad and puts the kids on the team at a disadvantage when they start getting penalized for the coach's poor behavior. That being said, I think that what we'd probably all agree upon in these areas is that consistency within an area would be best.