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Old Thu Nov 29, 2007, 10:18am
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
Originally Posted by PYRef
Scrapper, if you have a 2007-08 NCAA rule book, go look on page 168 and you'll see this mechanic.
I do have rulebook, but believe it or not, there are no signals in it. In the table of contents, it shows signals and gives a page number, but the book itself leaves those sections out. Very strange.

But I do see the signal on the PDF version that you linked. As Dan_ref said, it's a women's mechanic, which explains why I was not familiar with it. And as I said, I sure looks goofy.

and it's not exactly done by "swirling" your fingers like your wearing pink panties like you suggest.
It sure looks like swirling. Yuck.
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