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Old Wed Nov 28, 2007, 05:46pm
just another ref just another ref is offline
We don't rent pigs
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 7,627
Even if you go to a place you have never been to call a game and don't know a soul, by the time one quarter is over, some small prejudice, real or imagined, will be created either in your mind or someone else's. One team is outmanned and you feel sorry for them. One team or coach has attitude which you find unpleasant. The fans may not like you, for whatever reason. The first three calls go against their team, it could be a racial thing, whatever. When the fans start chanting, "Find a tall tree, and hang the referee," it can be disconcerting.
There will be something to overcome, large or small, in this job. Take the game, wherever it is, and do your best to call it straight down the line.
I swear, Gus, you'd argue with a possum.
It'd be easier than arguing with you, Woodrow.

Lonesome Dove
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