Originally Posted by PYRef
My point is that if you need to question yourself if it is a conflict or not, you might have one.
The operative word is "might." For example if I had a relative that was attending a school in a 4 school district, I would not think I would have an issue working at a school they attend or work directly for.
Originally Posted by PYRef
I agree with your statement about relationships. But if someone questions themselves whether they will be impartial or not, or if it might create personal issues with someone, then they might be better off not doing it.
If someone has to constantly question themselves about impartiality, then that is a bigger issue. I would only not work someone that I have a very personal relationship with someone or that school or organization. Even though I went to my HS, that does not mean I still have strong ties to that school. If anything, I have closer ties to other schools because I know more people. A better example is I live in a town that has 3 HS. I could work any of them and I would not have a problem, but someone not knowing me might try to assume there would be a problem. I am out there to call games, not to pick a team.